Welcome To "The Saucy Sounds Collective"

Journey through melodious chords and soulful harmonies.

For passionate piano players

Learn to level up your piano playing and have fun making music with 15+ comprehensive video course modules, complete with sheet music, study guides, and more.

Exclusive Membership

The moment you become a member, you gain immediate access to my full range of course materials, become a part of our thriving community, and enjoy direct access to me for any questions or tutorial requests. you're backed by a risk-free 7-day trial to experience it all for yourself.

Ready to Begin?

The standard subscription fee is $35 per month, but here's where it gets exciting. Be among the first 100 members, and you'll unlock an unbeatable 60% LIFETIME discount, securing your subscription at just $15 per month for as long as you're part of the Saucy Sounds Collective.

   Choose Your Plan

Hey there, fellow piano enthusiasts
Did you ever wonder what separates that pianist who glides through chords, and creates those saucy grooves and atmospheric tunes that give the audience goosebumps...
From a beginner piano player struggling with fast runs, coordination issues, complex pieces and just feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to learn?
You might think it's because of:
-The amount of time they spend practicing.
-The cost of their gear.
-The natural talent they were born with.
Good guesses, but that’s not the real deal.

The truth is, the key difference between a fresh piano player and a melodic pro who makes it all look easy can be boiled down to one simple thing:

Having Fun While Practicing.

You see… Many aspiring piano players spend a good chunk of their time trying to motivate themselves to sit down and practice. And even though they dream of playing emotionally and connecting with their audience, they usually lose the desire to play.

They hit a point where motivation dips, and they're just not feeling it.

Sound Familiar?

Well, If your piano learning feels like a puzzle of scattered music concepts, and you struggle to connect the dots.

Or if you were taught music foundations as something you just have to memorize without understanding why they matter.

Then it’s no surprise that you go from “super motivated to sit and play” to “Maybe I will practice if I can find the time” type of commitment.

Especially if you prefer a slower pace to learn songs while most online tutorials rush through things, leaving you no room to think or process what's being taught.

But here’s the exciting part: Even with all these past struggles…

You can become as good as your favorite musicians!

Your piano can be a place for jamming out, improvising, and expressing yourself with creativity, confidence, and freedom.

You can create deep music that's emotionally touching, even without words.

You can play those saucy notes so flawlessly and effortlessly that you impress your family and all your friends.

And when you start seeing progress and finally break through the plateau you’re stuck at, you won't need self-discipline to practice. Instead, you'll be more motivated, more consistent, and fully enjoying your time at the keys.

But before I reveal how you can experience all this, let's tackle one of the most common misconceptions piano players have:

"I need to spend hours practicing every day to see progress."

Well, practice is absolutely essential to master the piano. There’s no way around it… if you want to get good, you have to put in the time.

Now listen, practicing for two hours or three hours every single day – and practicing the right things in the right order – is going to significantly boost your progress.

But let’s be honest, outside of a small minority of professionals, that kind of schedule isn’t realistic.

Life gets in the way. Work, school, kids, family, and maintaining a healthy social life all compete for your precious time.

The good news is…  it's the quality of practice that matters more than the quantity.

So by focusing on effective practice techniques, you can see substantial improvement without having to sacrifice all your free time.

How to Make Your Practice Sessions More Fun?

Now that we understand the problem of traditional learning methods, and the “just memorize it” pattern, the solution is refreshingly simple.

We need to flip the script.

And that’s through clear and progressive modules that present easy-to-follow tutorials and hands-on practical piano instruction;

New helpful principles are introduced, and every complex concept is broken down into the simplest form you can understand…

So that everything clicks in your head and you start connecting the dots.

This way can:

  • Grasp the theory behind the songs you're playing, so you can use it to rock your own saucy sounds and melodies.

  • Make steady, consistent progress even if you can't dedicate hours every day to practice.

  • Look forward to practicing because you'll find more fun and satisfaction in seeing your hard work pay off.

I want you to excitedly point back to this moment a couple of months from now when you’re absolutely nailing songs, melodies, and progressions you once thought were WAY beyond your reach. 

Hey, my name is Zac Barnes!

So, why the Saucy Sounds Collective? Because I'm absolutely passionate about everything related to music and gear.

I've been playing music my entire life, but I didn't get my start on the piano until I was 19 years old and in college. I was fortunate to have a few fantastic music mentors in my life. That really helped me progress and develop as a musician.

Now, this platform is my way of paying it forward, sharing the knowledge and experience I've gathered over the years. But it's not just about me; it's about creating a community for piano players like YOURSELF – a place to engage, learn, grow, and thrive!

I want you to build a solid foundation of the 'hows' and 'whys' behind all the musical concepts, and ditch the “Just Memorize It” pattern when it comes to music.

Because this very pattern not only makes you struggle with your practice commitment. But also stops you from having FUN making music. 

And to make the learning as structured and digestible as possible, I've dedicated months of work to crafting a program that achieves just that.

I am thrilled to introduce you to...

Saucy Sounds Collective

A piano learning program that gives you a clear, simple, and progressive path going over all the concepts you need to learn to level up your piano playing and have fun making saucy music.

Before you notice, you’ll start practicing piano with more focus, consistency, and most importantly, enjoyment that you’ve never experienced before.

Here is what you will learn inside:

2-5-1 Library

Master the art of the 2-5-1 progression. From beginner to advanced voicings in all 12 keys, you'll transition between chords and harmoniously captivate your audience.

Arpeggios Masterclass

Discover the magic of arpeggios – the secret sauce for beautiful playing. This module guides you through essential arpeggio patterns, fingering techniques, and creative applications, adding depth and sophistication to your melodies.

Chord Theory
Unleash the power of chord extensions. Learn to infuse your progressions with expert touches, using notes that extend beyond the normal scale range to spice up your chords and sound like a pro.

Gospel Breakdowns

Unlock the language of Gospel music. Dive into the principles, licks, embellishments, and chord changes that will help you play Gospel music you can be proud of.


Get ready to have fun with backing tracks, feeling like you're part of a band. No theory is needed; quick, bite-sized lessons to get you playing instantly.

Mastering Talk Music

Explore sound selection, mindset, and rhythm approach to playing Talk music like a pro and engage your audience in a cocktail of feels.

Passing Chords & Movements

Learn the art of passing chords and movements to fill out your progressions and make them unforgettable. Use voice leading, inversions, and extensions for mesmerizing results.

This module will teach you the pentatonic scale and how to add some dynamic runs to your arsenal.

Rhythm 101
You will learn fundamental rhythm principles to make you fast and steady on the piano so you can impress your audience with how good your music sounds.

Saucy Voicings
You will learn how the pros play their chords and how to implement the same ways so you can take your playing to the next level.

Scales Library

Master playing scales with fluidity and translating them into melodies, making your piano come alive.

Soloing & Improvisation

Discover the secrets to playing anything on the fly, composing your melodies, and injecting your unique style into your music.

Song Tutorials
Learn the chords to a library of mainstream songs, impressing your family and friends with your progress.

Sound Design

Craft your sounds and uncover your unique style, learning to adjust parameters for your personal vibe.

Worship Keys

Perfect for church musicians or those interested in this style. Learn Flow, Voicing Style, Flow Patterns, Cadences, Chord Progressions, Sound Selection, and Sound Design.

 3 Bonuses

Here's the thing - this isn't your run-of-the-mill "here's your course, best of luck" kind of program. It's more of a "here are all the resources, and I'll be here every step of the way" model.

Because, let's be honest, even with well-structured and easy-to-digest lessons, personalized guidance remains a great complementary support, especially for beginners… The icing on the cake.

Now here are your 3 Bonuses:

Bonus #1: Monthly Piano Masterclass and Q&A with me
This is an interactive class where I'll share insights about my own playing style, techniques, and the nuances of playing Piano as well as answer your questions. This is a great way for you to pick my brain directly and exploit the power of real-time interactive learning.

Bonus #2: Peer Chat Rooms
Engage in lively conversations with fellow community members via chat. Share your thoughts about favorite chords, discuss techniques, and benefit from the collective wisdom of the group.

It's an opportunity to share and expand your knowledge in a supportive environment. Plus, remember, I'm an active member of the community, so if you're struggling with a specific concept or lesson, don't hesitate to message me – I'm here to help!

Bonus #3: Musical Events & Challenge
Participate in these engaging and fun-filled events that include piano performances, monthly challenges, solo challenges, detailed discussions about compositions, harmony, and more.

These events will help enhance your understanding and appreciation of your preferred genres. It's all about embracing the fun side of learning and growing as a musician. 

What students say about the course


Can you learn to play online?
  • Yes, with the right resources, you can definitely learn piano online! 
  • The Saucy Sounds Collective covers piano lessons for all skill levels. Each lesson has been carefully crafted to introduce, explain, and break down the different music concepts. 
  • You’ll learn music theory, piano notes, scales, chords, hand independence, and more. Enjoy professionally-produced lesson videos, play-along tracks, and practice guidance.
Are these online piano lessons for beginners?
  • Absolutely! My online lessons are meticulously crafted with beginners in mind. I cover all the essential foundations to help you progress to an intermediate level. No prior experience is necessary!
  • By mastering these fundamentals, you'll find it much easier and enjoyable to grasp the other lessons and content available.
  • Get ready for a learning journey that sets a strong foundation for your musical growth.
Is learning to play piano hard?
  • The piano is actually one of the easiest instruments to play as a beginner. That makes it–hands down–the best instrument to begin learning music on.
  • Piano is also the easiest instrument for understanding music theory. Because scales and intervals are all laid out visually.
  • If you want to play another instrument, learn the piano first! Other instruments like guitar, trumpet, and clarinet, take weeks or even months to develop hand coordination or mouth formation.
Can I contact you if I have any struggles or questions?
  • Of course, you can. If there's anything at all you're not sure about, anything I haven't made clear, or any concerns or questions…

    Then please contact me via the direct chat inside the community!

Maybe you still have some doubts lingering.

Maybe you are thinking...
"I'm already busy with work and other commitments. Can I really dedicate enough time to this course?"

 "I've hit walls before. Will this course help me overcome those frustrating plateaus?"

And the simple answer is Yes.
And besides the lessons being mapped in an easy step-by-step process and other members sharing their knowledge and learning experiences…
I am actively answering questions in the community, going live, and helping you every step of the way.

One last thing to remember: 

Music is not a goal, but a lifelong journey. It is meant to be shared and enjoyed. And I am truly excited to be a part of your journey and inspire you to unlock your unique saucy sound.

See you on the other side! 💪🏽